Selasa, 05 Februari 2008

Ducati 1089s

Nama Ducati lekat ama sosok Casey Stoner, juara MotoGP 2007. Kesuksesan Stoner pun mendongkrak keberadaan motor ducati buatan negara Pisa tsb. Ini pun jadi alasan PT Supermoto Indonesia, pemasok motor ducati di Indonesia.


Dari serinya, jls motor ini menyandang mesin 1,099 cc. Dengan tipe L engine twin cylinder, membuat 1089s masuk kategori street bike hig perfomance. dan cylinder head 1089s mengalami perubahan desain.


Name of coherent Ducati [of] buttonhole ama of Casey Stoner, champion of Motogp 2007. Successfulness of Stoner even also jack up existence of motor of ducati made in state of Pisa tsb. This even also become the reason of PT Supermoto Indonesia, pemasok of motor of ducati in Indonesia
From as break even as, this motor jls gird machine 1,099 cc. With type of L cylinder twin engine, making 1089s entering category of street perfomance hig bike. and head cylinder 1089s experiencing of change of desain
In Indonesia Org Yg Have this type motor merely 4 org!!!Busetttttt........., Its gossip [of] me of denger system induce this [is] same motor [of] yg [in] applying [in] Motogp, Become can machine ngalahin of Ducati type testastreetta R. rich [is] same Body yg Throttle [of] Motogp make its bigger air supply 30% from ordinary yg, within reason we again race [in] Motogp coyz
Name of coherent Ducati [of] buttonhole ama of Casey Stoner, champion of Motogp 2007. Successfulness of Stoner even also jack up existence of motor of ducati made in state of Pisa tsb. This even also become the reason of PT Supermoto Indonesia, pemasok of motor of ducati in Indonesia
From as break even as, this motor jls gird machine 1,099 cc. With type of L cylinder twin engine, making 1089s entering category of street perfomance hig bike. and head cylinder 1089s experiencing of change of desain
In Indonesia Org Yg Have this type motor merely 4 org!!!Busetttttt........., Its gossip [of] me of denger system induce this [is] same motor [of] yg [in] applying [in] Motogp, Become can machine ngalahin of Ducati type testastreetta R. rich [is] same Body yg Throttle [of] Motogp make its bigger air supply 30% from ordinary yg, within reason we again race [in] Motogp coyz
Tut... almost forget!!! Type Ducati

Di Indonesia Org Yg Punya motor tipe ini cuma 4 org!!!Busetttttt........., Gosipnya aku denger sistem induksi motor ini sama yg di terapkan di MotoGP, Jadi bisa ngalahin mesin Ducati testastreetta tipe R. Throttle body yg sama kaya MotoGP membuat suplai udaranya lebih besar 30% dari yg biasa, layaknya kita lagi balap di MotoGP coyz......

Oh ya... hampir lupa!!! Ducati tipe ini pakai DDA (Ducati Data Analyser) yg tinggal di colok ke komputer! ketahuuann deh.. kelakuan pembalap/kita di Jalan atau di sirkuit.

Klo mau beli motor ini siapian uang : 0,5 Miliar


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